As it is ADHD Awareness Month, it seemed like a good time to reintroduce ourselves.
Hi We are Donna, Michelle and Claire and we’re SPACE Stockport, an ADHD parent support group based in Stockport, Greater Manchester. We offer support to parents and carers of children and young people in the Stockport area with ADHD. We’re all parents of children with ADHD so we’ve all been there and we’ve all had that day.
SPACE was started over a decade ago by a small team of local parents who recognised that living with children who have ADHD could be particularly challenging and that sometimes parents needed a friendly space where they express their thoughts, feelings and frustrations who understood how it feels to raise a child / children with ADHD.
ADHD is a condition which is frequently misunderstood and unfortunately there is a lot of misinformation which can be confusing and unhelpful, especially if you have a recent diagnosis for your child.
Our children spend their lives surrounded by people who don’t understand them or many of the things they do and the results of this can be damaging. Lots of children with ADHD find their time at school difficult and a bad day at school often becomes a bad day at home and vice versa.
We don’t have all the answers but we’re here to share useful information and signpost to local services, so that when parents are presented with the usual ADHD myths, that they feel better prepared to respond to them.
Its hard to parent what you don’t understand and the more we understand the more we can support our children.
We have friendly informal meetings on a monthly basis. We have a webpage, a facebook page, a private facebook group, a twitter account, an Instagram account and a blog. So if you are raising a child with ADHD, why not come over and say hello.