We have gathered a number of online resources, which we feel may be useful to the families we work with and the wider ADHD community. At present the list only contains a small number of links but this will grow over time. The reason for this is because we will be reviewing each individual resource before sharing on our website, a process which takes time.
We will only ever share things that we believe to be useful, which come from sources that we are confident are reputable. Whilst we are happy to accept suggestions of websites and other online materials, we have no intention of adding links purely because they have been suggested, however well intentioned the suggestion may be. We would also like to make it extremely clear that we are here to provide useful information to the ADHD community and not to help other organisations with their marketing activities. Apologies if that sounds a little harsh, but judging from the sheer amount of unsolicited emails we receive, it seemed worth mentioning.
Our website currently contains links to ADDISS, the national ADHD charity and The ADHD Foundation. These two organisations have worked tirelessly over the years to provide information and support to families, we know them personally and are proud to be associated with them. We have also added a link to the ADHD guidance on the NICE website.
We will be adding more resources over the coming weeks and months and hope that you find them useful.