We are currently working on improvements to our website and blog. If you have visited us lately you may have noticed that the website changes from one day to another whilst: updates are made, things are tweaked or in some cases our self appointed web monkey came up with a better idea and started the whole thing again from scratch!
For the team at SPACE Stockport, the most important thing is for parents of children with ADHD to find out information about our monthly meet ups. No matter what the website looks like, our priority is for parents to be able to find out the date and location of our next meeting and we pledge that no matter how many things we tweak, change or redesign, the SPACE website will always 24 hours a day 365 days a year satisfy that goal.
For those of you that know the team, you’ll know that our ambitions are a lot higher than that. We want our website to be a source of information for anybody interested in ADHD, but particularly for those caring for or working with children. The updates we’re currently making will make it easier for us to organise that information and publish content about new research and the various activities in the ADHD community.
So please excuse us if we don’t look our best for a couple of weeks and don’t forget that no matter what, our website will always be there.