Happy New Year!
As we head into 2022, our thoughts turn to our monthly parent and carer meet ups. There has unsurprisingly been a lot of upheaval over the last couple of years, but despite the ongoing uncertainty it’s time to fill those shiny new diaries with the dates of this year’s SPACE meet ups. We will be sticking to our regular slot of the second Wednesday of the month, between 7.00 and 9.00 pm, but we will be changing location. Our January meeting will be held at a brand new venue – The Dog and Partridge in Great Moor Stockport.
Our monthly meet ups are a core part of our group and is a really valuable way for parents of children with ADHD to meet other people that share their challenges, in a relaxed friendly atmosphere. In addition to our face to face meet ups, we also have a private Facebook group, a public Facebook page and a Twitter account. We are also on Instagram and have a very neglected TikTok account.
Our face to face meetings and private Facebook group are strictly for parents and carers only, but we welcome the opportunity to raise awareness and share information about ADHD on the rest of our platforms, including our website. If you are the parent or carer of a child with ADHD, then you are able to attend any of our monthly meet ups and although we are based in Stockport, you are still welcome to attend if you live out of area. Throughout this year we hope to be able to reinstate our guest speaker slots.