Over the summer we’re going to be updating our website so we wanted to ask you what you need.
Whilst we’ve been reviewing our current site, we’ve noticed that there is a lot of information sitting on our website, which is quite difficult to get to, including copies of presentations from our last conference. One of the biggest problems for families is that there is a lot of information on the internet about ADHD, but a lot of it isn’t very good. We want to make sure that our website is helpful and contains content that is useful to local families and those working with their children.
We’re hoping to start making changes soon, but before we get stuck in we’d like to ask for your input. Is there information that you’d expect to find on our website that’s missing? Do you have any specific problems when you visit this site? If you do, then we’d love to hear from you.
As a charity that primarily supports families, we’ve always tried to share information that is useful to parents and carers, but recently we’ve noticed that we also have a lot of professionals visiting our website and social media accounts for information, so if you visit our website but don’t have a child with ADHD, then we’d like to hear from you too.